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The Importance of AI In Marketing

Written by Ian Stone | Mar 14, 2022 3:00:00 PM

What Are the Benefits of AI?

A company's success depends on several factors, including its ability to stay relevant and updated in a sea of competitors. Using innovative and original ways to engage customers can improve brand image and create a long-standing relationship with a target audience. 

Whether it's smart assistants, manufacturing robots, or automated financial investing, artificial intelligence is growing rapidly over varying sectors and industries. If you're wondering how you can revolutionize your business, read on to learn more about the advantages of artificial intelligence.

What is AI?

Artificial intelligence is a broad discipline of computer science that's responsible for creating smart machines. They can perform different tasks in various areas such as search engine algorithms, independent vehicles, robotics and proactive healthcare management. AI is now being used in many complex assignments, including those that require human intelligence. Whether it's machine learning or deep learning, artificial intelligence utilises several approaches to make jobs more comfortable and efficient. As a result, there has been a massive paradigm shift throughout the technology industry.

AI can help people rethink how they integrate information, assess data, and utilise the outcome for enhanced decision-making. It could positively impact productivity and economic growth for UK society. 

Types of Artificial Intelligence

Narrow AI

Many people are using this form of artificial intelligence, as it's designed to perform a particular task effortlessly. A popular example is facial recognition and how this tool is solely used to detect and identify faces rather than any other object. Businesses can use narrow AI to outperform humans at specific individual tasks, but not complex ones.

General AI

General artificial intelligence has a much broader scope and can outperform humans in many different tasks, including cognitive ones. The result is a more efficient, quicker, and more accurate performance at any given assignment.

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence

Reduces Workload

No matter how efficient a business' supply chain is, its performance can be significantly improved by incorporating artificial intelligence. AI can efficiently perform difficult and labour-intensive tasks without any human intervention, automating several industrial processes in varying sectors. 

Deep learning, machine learning, and other AI tools are useful as they can reduce employee workload and human error risk. Businesses can also benefit from reduced manpower and operational costs. 

For example, a Japanese machine tool builder named Okuma improved its manufacturing processes by automating it via artificial intelligence. They incorporated robots in different-sized plants with innovative machine tools to implement the concept of smart manufacturing. 

Increases Efficiency

Many burdensome tasks can be performed via artificial intelligence, which creates time and space for employees to focus their energies on essential tasks such as consumer experience and in-depth research. 

An example of this is the banking sector, where they have replaced dull, clerical, and time-consuming tasks with a focus on establishing strong customer relationships with excellent service. AI is expected to generate over $1 trillion in cost savings by 2030. 

Disaster Preparation

Natural disasters are entirely uncontrollable and can cause long-term damages to people's livelihoods. Companies are increasingly utilising AI to help to manage these disasters with algorithms considering the looming threat of climate change. 

Typically, artificial intelligence is used to identify an area's weaknesses and enhance the communities' preparation for natural disasters. AI tools may also notify citizens before an approaching calamity to enable the consequent loss to be reduced.

Fewer Errors

Since artificial intelligence doesn't rely on human intervention, it can drastically lower human error and the consequences of those mistakes in a high-risk task. 

AI algorithms make decisions based on real-time data, sensors, remote inputs, and digital data to collect information, evaluate the material instantly, and execute commands from that data. 

Not only does this enhance storage systems, analytic methods, and processing speeds, but it also creates an advanced decision-making and assessment process.


Artificial intelligence software is excellent at multitasking, which is why it can easily be programmed for different technologies. For instance, autonomous cars can inform drivers about upcoming highway construction, potholes, or other traffic barriers. This entire experience can be instantly transferred to other similarly configured vehicles. 

Through advanced algorithms, cameras, and sensors, the entire experience is displayed in real-time with virtual displays and dashboards. Hence, drivers can seamlessly figure out different vehicular conditions and situations.

Sophisticated Systems

One of the many benefits of artificial intelligence is that it can help to design more sophisticated computational systems to treat medical illnesses and issues. For example, advanced AI can predict breast cancer risk in women during the early stages.

Whether it's using an application in medical imaging to identify the condition of lymph nodes in the human body or apply AI to congestive heart failure, healthcare sees a growing revolution with AI in the mix. This can prevent patients from being admitted to the hospital since proactive interventions are implemented.

Objective Forecasts and Analysis

Since artificial intelligence analyses information through automated processes, the risk of human bias is eliminated. This feature makes it extremely useful in law enforcement as it allows fairer sentencing. 

It can also make predictions of people who are likely to become criminals in the future. In this case, AI can help to outline the factors that make a person susceptible to criminal activity, including being a shooting victim or their age.


While a person can only work for a limited number of hours and take breaks between to recharge, artificial intelligence can keep machines operating without multiple gaps. 

For example, in digital assistance, chatbots eliminate the need for employees to be available 24/7 for queries and concerns regarding a product. They can effectively provide customer support via mobile applications or websites. 

It’s clear that the benefits of AI are being increasingly recognised, with an ever greater application across a wide number of industries. By  streamlining and improving business processes as well as creating  greater accuracy and precision, you can achieve your organisational goals with finesse and ease.

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